Top Five Educational Channels on YouTube

Unlike many other social networks, Youtube is playing a great role as a mean for public education. Users today take advantage of this free internet service to sale and thrive in the ocean of knowledge. From the big bang and the origins of life on earth to the beginnings of human civilization and the latest cutting edge technology, Youtubers are introducing various topics ranging from Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry and History to the general public. In this post I wanted review and list the best educational channels on Youtube. 

5.  In a Nutshell

In a Nutshell or “Kurzgesagt” is a Youtube channel that was created in July 2013. The channel upload one educational video each month covering a variety of topics in Astronomy, Biology, Climate change and energy. With more than one million subscribers, the channel started to gain more popularity thanks to its unique animation style and high quality videos.

4.  TED-Ed

TeD-Ed is the Youtube channel where great public educators and talented animators meet. The idea behind this project from TED was to freely give access for users to exchange knowledge through high quality videos and animations. The project started in 2011 and its Youtube channel is growing exponentially thanks to the wonderful content provided by the users themselves.

3.  MinutePhysics

Created by Henry Reich in 2011 and with more than 3 million subscribers, this channel has grown steadily and the quality of videos kept getting better ever since. The content of this educational channel revolves mainly around Physics. The presentation style with drawing and animations is super awesome. If you are a Physicist or you like Physics in general, this channel is definitely for you.

2.  CrashCourse

This channel cover a huge range of subjects in History, Physics, Literature, Biology and more. The CrashCourse channel was created by the Green brothers, Hank and John in 2006 and started its educational series in 2011. The channel put its content in the form of course series categorized by subjects. With more than 380 episodes and more than 3 million subscribers, this channel represent a rich and suitable environment for knowledge seekers.

1.  Vsauce

This might be a biased decision from me given that I’m a big fan of this channel, but still. Created by Michael Stevens in 2010, this channel is very unique in its way of introducing knowledge to the general public. Topics in this channel are originated from very basic and ridiculous but profound questions to the most complex questions ever encountered by humans. With his morbid curiosity and unique presentation style, Michael Stevens take you through a journey towards the edge of human understanding covering a wide range of knowledge.